This book follows a day in the life of George, a gay English lecturer trying to get by in 1960s LA.

This is going to sound weird but my favourite things about this book were the beginning and the end. I mean the middle was good, full of biting humour, beautifully written experiences of alienation, loss and being lost, but the beginning and the end are just amazingly crafted.

The beginning had me hooked in a few words as George wakes and comes to terms with the simple fact that "I am now here". It's an amazing bit of writing that I don't think Isherwood then matches until the close of the novel (which I won't go into because, you know, spoilers).

But yeah a nice little book that offers a great snapshot into the life of a man. And it is a snapshot with all the action occuring in one day and nearly everything being rooted in the here and now. Even memories of the past are only there in relation to today.

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