Another day at Jisc Collections and yet more bus related problems. I swear I can't ever just be on time. I can do half an hour early or half an hour late.

But anyway, I made it. I started my day by carrying on working on the area of digital textbooks. The main problem at the minute is that students are participating in book rental schemes directly from the publishers which cuts out the libraries, and they don't want to be cut out. So Jisc is looking at the possibilities of bringing the libraries into this process and maybe having textbook rental schemes for groups of universities. The problem is how do you choose the books.

That's where I came in. Universities had been asked to list the books most taken out from their libraries and then the top 10 business titles. I then went through these lists to see if there were any titles that would be useful for all universities involved. This involved just seeing which titles appear the most and who publishes them. I then made my own little list and sent this and the list of e-textbook survey questions I did last week to the person on the project. I haven't heard anything back yet so I don't know how well I did yet.

Then in the afternoon I carried on with the other project I've been working on. This is the lists of tasks carried out by publishers and authors. My job yesterday was to try and find a way to visualise the results so that they could appear on a website in an interesting way. I didn't get very far but I'm working on it.

My supervisor had to run of to Edinburgh, obviously, but before she left she told me not to come in next week because she won't be there (day off woop) and that when I came in the week after would be my 6th time and so the last week of my 6 week placement. I did not know it was only a 6 week placement so I was confused and dissappointed. But then she told me that depending on funding she would like me to keep coming back, so that was nice. A little rolelrcoaster ride of emotions despite nothing actually changing, what a way to end the day.

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