So term has officially started and so have the guest speaker visits. I am taking a module on digital publishing and the department has set up weekly guest speakers on digital publishing, the first one was this week.

The speaker this week was Liz Marchant, Head of Science Publishing at Pearson. She told us about how they develop digital products and how this process is different to developing print products.

The main issues in digital educational publishing it seems are how to define and add value to a product when schools haven't adapted their budget to ongoing subscription models. Pricing is a key issue too, one that she admitted Pearson are still playing around with. Do you price per user or for groups and how do you make sure that people re-purchase your products.Publisher/customer relationships aren't just one off interactions anymore, they can go on and on and as such the user plays a much more important role in the development and especially the design of the product.

So there were a lot of issues that I hadn't really thought about before and while this was a talk about educational publishing, something I'm not interested in particularly, a lot of the issues are relevant to all digital publishing.

So yeah good start to the term and

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